Tomorrow’s basketball games at Elm Creek Tournament will be livestreamed at the following link: https://fan.hudl.com/United-States/NE/Elm-Creek/organization/4859/Elm-Creek-High-Schoo
The boys will be starting at approximately 12:45, with the girls to follow at approximately 2:30.

Aracadia-Loup City defeated the Vikings 42-32 in the boys game at the Elm Creek Holiday Tourney. The boys will play at 12:45 tomorrow in Elm Creek. #ROAR #vikingnation

Lady Vikings defeat Aracadia-Loup City, 46-41 at the Elm Creek Holiday Tourney. They will play tomorrow at 2:30. #ROAR #vikingnation

Today’s basketball games at Elm Creek Tournament will be livestreamed at the following link: https://fan.hudl.com/United-States/NE/Elm-Creek/organization/4859/Elm-Creek-High-Schoo
The girls will be starting at 11:00, with the boys to follow at approximately 12:45. Both teams will be taking on Arcadia-Loup City.

The Vikings will be resuming activities this week as the G&B basketball teams will be playing in the Elm Creek Holiday Tournament Thursday & Friday, the 28th & 29th (brackets are attached to this post); and the wrestlers will be competing in the Pleasanton Invite on Saturday the 30th, starting at 9:00 a.m.

Moratorium Reminder - School Gyms, Wrestling Room, and Weight Room closed until 12/28. Have a great Holiday Break and stay safe with the winter weather moving in! #ROAR #vikingnation

Here is a fundraiser for Ellie Foster!!

The BCS 6th grade added a new student on the last day before break! He was a great addition to the class! #happyholidays #ROAR #vikingnation

Kindergarteners dressed up for the Holiday dress up days. Have a terrific winter break. #merrychristmas #ROAR #vikingnation

The High School Student Council would like to thank Rosie Williams (October) and Mrs. Birkel (Nov./Dec.) for being our high school staff members of the month. Thank you for all you do for our students!! #ROAR #vikingnation

7-12 Music Concert tonight! Band and Choir! Great job Vikings! #ROAR #vikingnation

First grade helping out the food drive by meeting their classroom goal. Awesome job by helping out the local food pantry. #ROAR #vikingnation

Second grade holiday characters that were dressed up today. Nice job! #ROAR #vikingnation

Some third grade book characters were in class today!!! #ROAR #vikingnation

The staff winner of the day was Mr. Bieker, he loves Christmas Story. Chonsey has been a great part of the staff this semester. We are going to miss him so much. Good luck at college next semester! You are going to be a great teacher. #ROAR #vikingnation

This evening's Jr/Sr High Christmas concert will be live streamed on the Bertrand HUDL channel at the following link: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ne/bertrand/organization/17027/bertrand-high-school/video
The concert starts at 7:00.
#ROAR #VikingNation

A couple of kindergarten students dressed up as Cindy Lou Who & Rudolf! Way to go girls!!! #ROAR #vikingnation

The third graders dressed as their favorites holiday movie characters! Nice job third grade!!! #ROAR #vikingnation

The BCS 4th grade was quite festive in their holiday sweaters. Good job 4th grade! #ROAR #vikingnation.