Viking Nation we are having technical issues with our WiFi and camera in the crows nest. We are working with HUDL support, and hopefully will have the issue corrected, if possible. We apologize for the inconvenience and inability to broadcast the game at this time.
6 months ago, Craig Newcomb
This evening’s home football game vs. the Kenesaw Blue Devils will be livestreamed on the Bertrand HUDL TV channel at the following site: Admission is $5 – Adults; $4 – K-12; $2 Age 65 and up. The gate by the concession stand will also be open for admittance this fall. Kickoff is set for 7:30. GO VIKINGS!!!
6 months ago, Craig Newcomb
Welcome September!! Check out the newsletter.
6 months ago, Steph Edgren
Southwest wins 3rd set 25-17, and wins the match 3-0. #nebpreps #VikingNation
6 months ago, Craig Newcomb
Riders win 2nd set 25-13; lead the match 2-0. #nebpreps #VikingNation
6 months ago, Craig Newcomb
Southwest takes Set 1 over Bertrand 25-21; leads the match 1-0. #nebpreps #VikingNation
6 months ago, Craig Newcomb
Congratulations to the Bertrand-Loomis WolfKing CC runners competing at Curtis this morning. Boys Team Runner Up. Individual placers: Marcus Hernandez – 1st; Luke Larson – 8th; Cade Hays – 9th. Girls Individual placers: Autumn McNierney – 9th; Ashlynn Edgren – 11th.
7 months ago, Craig Newcomb
Boys CC
Girls CC
The first edition of the Viking Voice for 2024-2025 is now available!
7 months ago, Stacy Schutz
This evening’s home volleyball match against Southwest will be livestreamed on the Bertrand HUDL TV channel at the following location: JV starts at 5:00, followed by Varsity at approximately 6:00. GO VIKINGS!!!
7 months ago, Craig Newcomb
Our 3rd through 6th grade students are able to enjoy the State Fair today! #Vikingnation
7 months ago, Steph Edgren
Hey Viking Nation, the fall activities are upon us; with that comes home events and concession stands. We have a handful of activities this fall that we will need help manning -- STARTING THIS WEEK! Anyone from the community is welcome to volunteer. We would ask parents of athletes to help cover at least a couple events that their son/daughter isn’t directly participating in. A handful of games are being covered by individual school groups; those are noted on the dates and shift times. Here is the link to the Bertrand Vikings 2024 fall concessions Sign Up Genius. It would be greatly appreciated to have these slots filled up so we can continue to have the high quality concession stand that we’ve come to know. If you have any questions, please contact Craig Newcomb at the school, or send a message to: #ROAR #VikingNation GO VIKINGS!!!
7 months ago, Craig Newcomb
Attached are the upcoming activities for Aug. 26 - Sept. 3rd. GO VIKINGS!!!
7 months ago, Craig Newcomb
weekly calendar
BCS 8th grader Adlea Hock made semi-finals in Intermediate showmanship at the state fair. Good Job!
7 months ago, Craig Newcomb
adlea state fair
BHS sophomore Livia Philips made semi-finals in senior showmanship at the state fair. Good Job!!
7 months ago, Craig Newcomb
Liv state fair
BHS seniors Garrett Scholz and Katelyn Evans made the semi-finals in senior showmanship at the state fair. Good Job!!
7 months ago, Craig Newcomb
state fair
The Viking Booster Club has a new Facebook page; it’s Viking Booster Club (no longer Bertrand Viking Booster Club). Follow it for their most up to date information. Thank You VBC for everything you do support all the students at Bertrand Community School!
7 months ago, Craig Newcomb
The Vikings Fall Sports Teams will be having their parents’ meeting Friday evening, August 23rd. VB – 5:00 in Coach Ryan’s room; CC – 6:00 p.m. in Coach Kaps’ room; FB – 6:30 in the bleachers at the football field. Please plan to attend the meeting with your student-athlete’s coach to get information about the program and upcoming season. GO VIKINGS!!!
7 months ago, Craig Newcomb
Bertrand Activity/Season Passes will be available to purchase at the VBC Tailgate Friday evening at the football field, and at the first few home activities. They are good for admission to all home events EXCEPT FOR RPAC Tournament Games and District Contests. Prices are: Family - $130; Adult - $50; Student (K-12) - $30; Srs Ages 55 and up - $25; Golden Age 65 plus - $10.
7 months ago, Craig Newcomb
Season Ticket Sign
Mrs. Birkel's Lifetime Sports Class began the school year with a splash! The students seem to be enjoying their unit on swimming 😎 #vikingnation
7 months ago, Steph Edgren
Huge Shout Out to the mowing & painting crew for getting the football field ready to start the season!! GO VIKINGS!!!
7 months ago, Craig Newcomb
field crew