Warriors take the 2nd set 25-22; win the match 2-0. #nebpreps #VikingNation

Arapahoe defeats Bertrand in the first set 26-24; leads the match 1-0. #nebpreps #VikingNation

Throwback Thursday was a huge success. A few of the adults took things WAY back to their own glory days with lots of "remember when" & "back in my day" stories today!! What's your favorite decade memory??? #80sRock

Today's VB triangular at Arapahoe will be livestreamed at the following site:
Bertrand plays at 5:00 & 6:00.

Even the 2nd Grader's class pet, Buddy, got in the spirit of things today! #VikingsNation

It's Wild West Wednesday! Tell me you have school spirit without telling me. #VikingNation #BCSBusDriversRule

Eagles beat the Vikings in the 3rd set 30-28; win the match 2-1. #nebpreps #VikingNation

Vikings take the 2nd set 25-22; match is tied 1-1. #nebpreps #VikingNation

Brady takes Set 1 over Bertrand 25-20; leads the match 1-0. #nebpreps #VikingNation

Vikings take the 2nd set 25-9; win the match 2-0. #nebpreps #VikingNation

Bertrand takes Set 1 over South Loup 25-22; leads the match 1-0. #nebpreps #VikingNation

Today’s home varsity VB triangular will be livestreamed on the Bertrand HUDL TV channel at the following site: https://fan.hudl.com/United-States/NE/Bertrand/organization/17027/Bertrand-High-School
Bertrand plays South Loup at 5:00, and Brady at 7:00.

We plan to livestream both the JH & JV home football games against Kenesaw this evening at the following site -- https://fan.hudl.com/United-States/NE/Bertrand/organization/17027/Bertrand-High-School
JH starts at 4:00; HS JV starts at 6:00.

Attached are the upcoming activities for Sept. 16th - Sept. 24th.
Spirit Week Kicks off on Monday the 16th, and ends with the High School Spirit Dance Friday night after the football game.

Flyers beat the Vikings in the 3rd set 25-18; win the match 2-1. #nebpreps #VikingNation

Bertrand wins the 2nd set 25-12; the match is tied at 1-1. #nebpreps #VikingNation

Franklin takes Set 1 over Bertrand 25-18; leads the match 1-0. #nebpreps #VikingNation

Vikings win 3rd set 25-22; win the match 2-1! #nebpreps #VikingNation

Vikings win the 2nd set 25-19; the match is tied at 1-1. #nebpreps #VikingNation

Hampton takes Set 1 over Bertrand 25-20; leads the match 1-0. #nebpreps #VikingNation