Running events are in full swing!

Owen Kaps’ 3rd place triple jump mark was 40’3.5”. Owen Brown was 4th with a long jump of 19’8 along with Aiden Kidder’s 7 th place jump of 18’8”.

The boys 4x800 relay placed 5th with a time of 9:27.8. Kaylee Dodson’s high jump mark was 4’4” for the 7th place. Sadie Maloley’s jump of 15’4” and 31’10” earned her 2nd in both the long and triple jump.

Here are some marks. Owen Kaps just missed setting a new meet record in the pole vault with an attempt at 14’3.5 inches. His 14’ vault would have tied the record but he missed it on attempts. Arik Ackerman was second with a 13’ 6” vault....

2 mile relay!!! Lathen Fitzgerald, Jose Lund, Coleman Langford, and Landon Andersen. #vikingnation

More Viking action!

More Viking action!

Here are some results from RPAC Track in Paxton:
Boys Long Jump: Aidan Kidder 7th, Owen Brown 4th
Boys Pole Vault: Arik Ackerman 2nd, Owen Kaps 1st
Boys High Jump: Jonah Nelson 7th
Girls High Jump: Kaylee Dodson 7th
Girls Long Jump: Sadie Maloley 2nd.

The sky is the limit! Arik Ackerman 2nd place and Owen Kaps 1st!!! #vikingnation

The band also had some great success at the district music competition in Loomis!! Dawson Newcomb and the entire band received OUTSTANDING scores! 🎶🥁❤️. #weloveourmusicans. #vikingnation.

The following musicians received a OUTSTANDING score for their performances at district music! Choir Women’s Ensemble, Yesenia Lopez, Seaver Goldfish, Girls Double Duet, Addison Hansen, Dashiell Alexander, and Reece Vinzant! Congratulations!!

The following musicians received a OUTSTANDING score for their performances at district music! Choir Women’s Ensemble, Yesenia Lopez, Seaver Goldfish, Girls Double Duet, Addison Hansen, Dashiell Alexander, and Reece Vinzant! Congratulations!! 🎉

The following musicians received a OUTSTANDING score for their performances at district music! Choir Women’s Ensemble, Yesenia Lopez, Seaver Goldfish, Girls Double Duet, Addison Hansen, Dashiell Alexander, and Reece Vinzant! Congratulations!!

We have some fantastic Musicians at BHS! They performed at districts last week! Karley Patterson and Kaylee Dodson received a superior on their solo's! Congratulations girls! #beautifulsingers #vikingnation

Jump high and hard with intention and heart!! Kaylee Dodson and Kenzy Drain

Field events still happening at RPAC track!!

We have great support!! #vikingnation

We have great support!! #vikingnation

Good luck to the Bertrand Track team today at the RPAC meet in Paxton.
#vikingnation #gobigblue

It’s a great day to be a Viking!!